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Supposed To Do Something
What am I supposed to be doing with my life? I feel like I am supposed to do something, but what?
Dear Supposed To Do Something,
Thankfully you are already on the right track. You KNOW you’re supposed to be doing something, but what. That is what most people SAY & FEEL and that is where most people STOP or GET STUCK.
The answer is really quite simple; quiet yourself and LISTEN to your inner voice. That internal compass, your True North, calling you to quietly LISTEN. Then and only then will you hear the answers and KNOW exactly what it is you are meant to do.
Not unlike the old-school AM/FM transistor radio with dials, you must quiet yourself long enough to tune out the static, so as to reach the clarity of your own exact channel.
Static is your ego mind, the outside world, fear, worry, regret speaking and often times speaking loudly. Your inner voice on the other hand is the quiet voice that keeps nagging and pulling at you. At times, it is speaking to you more in feelings than in words.
Once you’ve mastered the art of tuning into that quiet feeling channel, your soul and being absolutely already know and recognize, its presence or signal if you will and clarity will become stronger. The key is to realize it actually exists, has been there all along, and has been patiently waiting for you to tune-in.
Trusting what you hear or receive from your channel comes next, followed by having the courage and will to marry this knowingness with action. From baby steps to monumental leaps of faith, it is in the listening and the doing that the real magic of transformation occurs.
Fear, self-imposed restrictions and the litany of cant’s that may spill forth from your ego mind and mouth, are exactly that, BARRIERS, LIMITATIONS, FEARS and EGO.
Face these potential fears and limitations head on. Be filled with faith, determination, confidence and fluidity. Then you will always KNOW exactly what or who or where, you are meant to be.