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Is It In The Stars
Is it in the star’s that I will marry Dustin?
Dear Is It In The Stars,
The old cliché the heart wants what the heart wants immediately sprang to mind when I read your question. Here lies a crossroads between what is actually good for your heart and that which you believe to be good for your heart.
Unfortunately, they are not one in the same, and yet you already know this, thus the opening phrase, the heart wants what the heart wants.
This has been a very tumultuous and emotional relationship for you. You have suffered in silence more times than you can remember or care to admit, and yet you still long to be married to and loved by this man.
The real question you need to ask yourself is WHY? What secret power does he hold over you? What is it about this relationship and/or person brings you happiness. Why is it you feel you need to marry him?
When you quietly sit back and view this relationship and all the answers to the questions above, I am hopeful you will see why in the Chinese Astrology Year of the Wood Horse, it brings us countless opportunities to make unremitting efforts to improve ourselves and why this same 7-year in Numerology continually exposes you to elements you are dissatisfied with so as to seek and find the direction that is most right for you.
Simply put, you cannot make someone into something they are not any easier than you can become something you are not. The heart always knows the truth and thus it never eludes you, even when you may not like what it has to say.
Years from now, you will both be married, however, it simply will not be to one another and in that, you can both thank your lucky stars.