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Day After Day


Why do I isolate myself day after day?


Dear Day After Day,

Fears and phobias are at the root of your isolation.

In a world of unsettled principles, everything looks like a danger, a need and desire for safety and survival. Within the fear of simply leaving your home is the fear and belief that you will not return safely. It is a competition of the mind between the sanctity and security of the inner world versus the outer one. The mind tells you that you are safe at home and unsafe when not.

This is a battle for control between your ego-mind-personality and your soul.

Trust is at the root of what you summoned to experience and transcend in this lifetime, and it appears in the cloak of an opposite as fear, phobia, and isolation. Chemical imbalances also appear to play a role in the mistrusts and misfires occurring within your cerebral functioning.

You would be wise to seek professional treatment for both the physical and emotional elements that afflict you.

By addressing the issues in concert with one another, you give sustenance and support to the newly forming foundation you are constructing. In time, the old you, ego-mind-personality self, gives way to the new you, soul-self. This newly refined and balanced you in greater unity and harmony.

What emerges is a unified being of truth, trust, and clarity with the ability to transcend fear and phobia. Take proactive steps to willingly address and remedy the factors that are hindering your life, your livelihood. Each baby step builds upon the other and places you upon a path of recovery. Before you know it, you will find yourself on the other side of these challenging aspects.

Now, it’s not to say it won’t be without fear and challenge, it most likely will. However, remember, everything is energy, including fear. Harness the energy of fear to your benefit, your favor. Allow it to propel you forward, not immobilize and destabilize you.

Face your Fear. Claim your Transcendence!
