Nestled in the magical hills of Galisteo, New Mexico, The Light Institute remains timeless. Founded in 1985 by world renowned and respected, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author, Chris Griscom, this enchanting center for spiritual healing and multi-incarnational exploration is without equal. Individuals of all ages, from all walks of life, from around the world visit The Light Institute to heal the body, mind, and spirit.
What distinguishes the work at The Light Institute is the expertise of the internationally famous and incomparably trained Light Institute Facilitators and the unique method they use. Personally selected and trained by Ms. Griscom, the Facilitators deliver the highest degree of integrity while guiding and protecting you during your spiritual exploration. The method used during this adventure is phenomenally powerful. Ms. Griscom teaches that merely viewing and clearing a lifetime is insufficient to actualize the healing process and develop a repertoire for living in ecstasy. To truly heal and live within divine frequencies, these incarnational memories must be released at the cellular level so that the pure energy is redirected to our lives now.