Opposite Of A Star

Photo Credit: Jurik Peter/Shutterstock©️ Opposite Of A Star FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY OPPORTUNITY OTHER DearJames, Is a black hole the opposite of a star? Anonymous Dear Opposite Of A Star, Based solely upon physics, the answer would be No. However, speaking from a more metaphysical perspective, perhaps one would contemplate is it where stars go to die and […]

Photo Credit: Kuleczka/Shutterstock©️ Reincarnation FAITH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY REINCARNATION/PAST LIVES OTHER DearJames, Often in readings people are told that family members “come through” to give them messages and that when they die, there will be family there to greet them and help them pass over. So, what about those who have been reincarnated? And are most people reincarnated? […]
My Son

Photo Credit: Narisa Koryanyong/Shutterstock©️ My Son CHILD/CHILDREN PAST/FUTURE OTHER DearJames, I am concerned about my son being independent and stable when he goes to college. Is he? Miss Dear My Son, Youthful expression takes on many different forms and your son is no exception. While I sense he is kind, considerate, studious and somewhat shy, […]