My Son

Photo Credit: Narisa Koryanyong/Shutterstock©️ My Son CHILD/CHILDREN PAST/FUTURE OTHER DearJames, I am concerned about my son being independent and stable when he goes to college. Is he? Miss Dear My Son, Youthful expression takes on many different forms and your son is no exception. While I sense he is kind, considerate, studious and somewhat shy, […]
Tearing At My Heartstrings

Photo Credit: mama_mia/Shutterstock©️ Tearing At My Heartstrings CHILD/CHILDREN LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE FAMILY/FRIENDS DearJames, I have an opportunity to move back to the state I am from, where all my family is, except for my immediate family, a soon-to-be ex-husband and two children. I want to make this change. My children do not want to go, and […]
Accepting My Children

Photo Credit: Jana Guothova/Shutterstock©️ Accepting My Children CHILD/CHILDREN FAMILY/FRIENDS MARRIAGE/ENGAGEMENT/WEDDING DearJames, I’m married with four amazing children. My husband and I have one together and I have three from a previous relationship. My husband seems to still have a hard time bonding and accepting my children and believes it’s because they aren’t his children by […]
Having Children

Photo Credit: HelenField/Shutterstock©️ Having Children LIFE CHILD/CHILDREN FAMILY/FRIENDS DearJames, Will I ever be able to have children. Anonymous Dear Having Children, Your life is full of children and you must remember that throughout your life’s journey. There are times in life that we choose to experience things in a manner that appears to be completely […]
Coming To A Close

Photo Credit: A. Laengauer/Shutterstock©️ Coming To A Close CHILD/CHILDREN LIFE DIRECTION/PURPOSE DECISION/INDECISION DearJames, I think a chapter of my life is starting to close and I’m quite torn on how to feel or what to think. My live-in boyfriend/partner/ fiancée of 5 yrs. (friends for 8) and father of my child for 3 years, is […]
Feeling Lost

Photo Credit: Manczurov/Shutterstock©️ Feeling Lost FEAR CHILD/CHILDREN WORK/EMPLOYMENT/CAREER DearJames, I am struggling with what direction I should go in as far as my job goes. I don’t make much money and the stress of my job is starting to get to me. I have four children and I pay for full time childcare for my […]
Bad Dreams & Energy

Photo Credit: Angela Waye/Shutterstock©️ Bad Dreams & Energy FAMILY/FRIENDS CHILD / CHILDREN FEAR DearJames, My children have been having horrible, gruesome dreams. Lately they have been happening to my five-year-old the most. The last couple of times that we have prayed for her when this happens, we feel a very bad energy. After the last […]