Mastin Kipp

Mastin Kipp AUTHOR EVENTS/SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS/RETREATS SPIRITUAL WELLNESS About Mastin Kipp, who created, is a number one best-selling author, speaker, and Creator of Functional Life Coaching™ for people who are seeking rapid transformation in their lives. He has been featured on the Emmy Award show, Super Soul Sunday, and recognized as a “thought leader for […]
Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne AUTHOR PSYCHIC PAST LIFE REGRESSION About Sylvia Browne is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, psychic, author, lecturer, and researcher in the field of parapsychology. Sylvia is well known for her dynamic, genuine, down-to-earth style and personality. Since passed, Sylvia lectured, taught, and counseled people from all over the world including Africa, Europe, Asia, […]
Story Waters

Story Waters AUTHOR CHANNEL SPIRITUAL WELLNESS About Story Waters is a modern day mystic/channeler – someone who experiences realities beyond usual human comprehension. Through having developed his connection with spirit, Story is able to speak from this wider state of consciousness. He experiences himself as a messenger and ‘speaker’, here to deliver this material and […]
Stephanie Riseley

Stephanie Riseley AUTHOR PAST LIFE REGRESSION HYPNOTHERAPIST About Stephanie Riseley is a certified hypnotherapist, teacher, author, healer and life coach specializing in Hypnosis for Weight Loss -Smoking, Past Life Regression, Future Life Progressions, Cognitive Behavioral and Mindfulness Therapies. Having studied hypnosis since 1971, she has helped hundreds of people lose weight, stop smoking and […]
Simran Singh

Simran Singh |11:11 Media AUTHOR SPEAKER SPIRITUAL WELLNESS About Simran Singh is a creative visionary, transformational catalyst and ‘Leading Voice for the Journey of the Soul’. Publisher of the Nautilus Award Winning 11:11 Magazine, the only publication to have ever been granted this designation and #1 rated, syndicated 11:11 Talk Radio show host, Simran […]
Shirley MacLaine

Shirley MacLaine AUTHOR SPIRITUAL WELLNESS WAY OF LIFE About I think we all choose the paths of our lives. I knew I wanted to be a “communicator” from the very beginning. So, I communicated through fifty films, many TV and stage shows, and ten books. For me the search for Truth is paramount… The […]
Shelley von Strunckel

Shelley von Strunckel AUTHOR ASTROLOGY COLUMNIST About Shelley von Strunckel is best known to the public for bringing respect to her field and for her ground-breaking approach to its presentation. She’d already been a consulting astrologer for fifteen years before creating the first ever astrological column in the London Sunday Times newspaper in 1992. […]
Seth | Jane Roberts

Seth | Jane Roberts AUTHOR ONLINE RESOURCE CHANNEL About Seth is the internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher who spoke through the author Jane Roberts while she was in trance, and coined the phrase “You Create Your Own Reality.” Seth’s empowering message literally launched the New Age movement. The books written by Seth have sold over […]

Selacia AUTHOR SPIRITUAL COACH/TEACHER SPIRITUAL WELLNESS About Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Also author of The Golden Edge, she has been a writer her entire life. The author is a pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, serving people everywhere who desire […]
Richard Sutphen CCHT

Richard Sutphen CCHT AUTHOR HYPNOTHERAPIST ONLINE RESOURCE About Dick Sutphen was described as “America’s foremost psychic researcher” by Simon & Schuster Pocket Books, and “American’s leading past-life therapist” by the Mind Body Spirit Festivals in London, England and Sydney, Australia. In addition to writing the million-copy bestseller, You Were Born Again To Be Together, […]