Shirley MacLaine


I think we all choose the paths of our lives. I knew I wanted to be a “communicator” from the very beginning. So, I communicated through fifty films, many TV and stage shows, and ten books. For me the search for Truth is paramount… The truth of a character I’m playing, the truth of the subject matter I write about or the truth of why we are alive and how it relates to our destiny.

I see life as a creation each of us paints for ourselves. We do create our own reality in order to be aligned with our destiny.

The search then becomes a search for self. It is the most important journey we will ever take. I hope my website will aid in your search.

On a personal note, Ms. MacLaine’s writings, insights, and revelations of self, have been a wondrous gift on my journey.  While she is best known for her acting achievements, her greatest achievements, and thus her legacy, will prove to be her metaphysical writings, journey, and enlightenment that she pioneered and shared with the world, far before their time, acceptance, or popularity.