Shari Alyse


My experiences with relationships, loss, sexual abuse, and self-exploration, coupled with my entrepreneurial development and communication practices has led to my career in guiding others through their own transformative process.

Today, my passion is in my work as a professional speaker and media personality known as America’s Joy Magnet

Sometimes, life throws you tough shit.

It’s messy. Between childhood sexual abuse and other traumas, I’ve experienced my fair share of struggles. What I’ve learned is this – the only way out is through. It’s facing your shit. It’s the willingness to stop the busyness, stop distracting, stop numbing out, and yes, even stop the pursuit of accomplishment so you can begin to FEEL.

Choosing to go through it rather than run from it, I learned how to cultivate a nurturing and safe inner world, giving me permission for my ‘stuff’ to make its way to the surface and to begin the healing process.

Now, I no longer feel the need to run. I’m willing to excavate and see what shows up.

Now, I know that when tough stuff arises, it’s all there to show me what still needs to be healed.

Now, I’ve made peace with where I’ve been, what I’ve needed to experience, and how all of it has helped shaped me into who I am today.

I no longer worry about ‘rocking the boat’ because I’ve come to see that the world needs my voice and it needs yours, too. It needs you to stop hiding from your truth and to show up exactly as who you are. You have the power to change your life and live a life beyond your wildest imagination and I’m so excited to show you the way.

Are you ready to rock the boat?

What are you waiting for? Grab your deck shoes and connect with me now.

Looking forward to our adventure together.