Photo Credit: d-e-n-i-s/Shutterstock©️

Sea Of Loneliness


I believe that I would like to share and spend my life with somebody, however, I seem to be manifesting around me and drawing into my life, people that are not on the same page with myself. Knowing that I should just be present and solid and happy with my life, and the way things are, allowing that person to flow into my life naturally, why do I continue to struggle? On this journey I seem to have very high and low points. I work to rein in my own thoughts, and find my center, only to be tossed off that foundation into a sea of loneliness or perceived loneliness. A vicious cycle if you will.


Dear Sea Of Loneliness,

Inner fulfillment is always an inside job.

No exterior element be it person, place, or thing will ever fulfill that void or need; it must be filled from within.

The people you are currently drawing to you are vibrating / resonating with your inner turmoil need and lack and not that of what you truly desire.

As you bounce between frequencies so too do the attractions, however, your underlying frequency is currently that of non-committal and doubt.

Your own words underscore this point: “I believe that I would like to share and spend my life with somebody.”

“I believe,” strongly denotes your indecision, imbalance, or indifference to affairs of the heart.

Subsequently that is the type of person you are drawing to yourself only to be deeply disappointed with their laissez-faire commitment to romance, commitment itself, and long-term mutual fulfillment.

You can’t ride the fence yourself and then criticize the Universe for delivering to you that which you put out.

If a loving, committed relationship is what you seek let your heart and soul speak loud and clear with ONE VOICE.

Coalesce all your faculties around this belief and feeling and live your life accordingly.

Just the simple attunement of your faculties will bring about massive change both internally and externally.

You will also serve yourself well to overcome your fears and worries surrounding self-worth, self-value, and self-doubt.

Overcompensating for these elements instead of directly addressing them elongates your suffering, the underlying vicious cycle thereby perpetuating a never-ending cycle of lonely, not lonely.

Find peaceful, blissful enjoyment with your own company first and then that of another.

Doing so will attract people on your same frequency, of the same caliber and will be far more solid, rich, all-encompassing, fulfilling experiences – relationships.
