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Published and Successful


Will my book be published and successful?


Dear Published And Successful,

It’s all in the playing as they say and for every time there is a season and a reason. You are currently emerging from the Dark of the Night.

It takes time and a consistent sense of faith and purpose to discern the early morning light from the darkness upon which it emerges. Look not to the future successes you wish to achieve but rather to the task at hand as your deepest intentions carry far more weight in the final result than you realize.

If you are writing this book, simply to be published and successful and emerge from the darkness, your intentions are highly misplaced. You must write for the right reasons. Know it is your soul’s – sole purpose versus an errant ego-mind-personality fulfilment.

To do otherwise is to ignore the influences your underlying intentions play. Lack begets more lack. Fear begets more fear. Peace begets more peace.

Write from your soul. Release any expectations or attachments to the outcome. Write free of ulterior motives and grandiose visions of acclaim. Write because you are called to do so. One cannot stress these principles enough.

Having realigned your priorities and clarified (to make clear) your intentions, the offering of a great literary work will spill forth from your being, garnering the success you seek…the success you bring to yourself. That which you were born to do is already yours. You need not compete for it, merely align, and create.

Remain true to yourself in the face of great challenge and adversity for therein lies the true test of and testament to your integrity and authenticity. To know the course upon which you navigate, you must know thy self. Believe you are worthy of being the steward and custodian of the stories you wish to tell.

This is the real difference between great works of art and those of mere imitation. In the coming time and season, watch as your life unfolds for the better, giving great rise and reason to journey.

Proof positive that success is indeed at hand!!!
