Pathfinder International


Since 1957, Pathfinder has maintained an unwavering belief in the right of women, men, and adolescents to have access to quality sexual and reproductive health care.  No matter where we work – in remote locations or among difficult conditions or political situations – we stand strong for the most vulnerable.

Sometimes, this means taking risks for what we believe.  Whether it’s suing the US Government to end the Global Gag Rule, or going where others won’t to reach marginalized, stigmatized, or underserved people, we are driven by our mission.

We’re often unseen.  As part of our mission, Pathfinder is committed to investing in local capacity.  Long before there was a donor emphasis on country ownership and local capacity building, Pathfinder was quietly on the ground forging partnerships that have built the foundation of success for improved sexual and reproductive health care.

Our 1,000-plus staff, predominantly country nationals, work alongside more than 200 local partner organizations across more than 20 countries to establish strong, sustainable community health systems to achieve better health outcomes for all.