Paradise Found


We are a bookstore –and more– for the Body, Mind & Spirit, located in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.

At Paradise Found our intention is to set a banquet table filled with a scrumptious feast of beauty, truth, and goodness; and then serve the offerings with love in an environment of peace.

You are invited to graze through the wisdom of the ages horizontally, snacking on this or that; or vertically, tasting one path in all its flavorful dimensions.

Behind a humble facade, Paradise Found is a veritable treasure trove containing a sampling of the accumulated, ever unfolding, spiritual explorations, discoveries, and wisdom of our human species. That we share this with you is better than bliss on a bun! 

Paradise Found opened in 1986 with the vision of helping people experience peace of mind, especially through music. Over the years the products and tools for transformation that we offer have expanded and grown and today we provide books, crystals, jewelry, incense, and products that inspire our souls, challenge our minds, and affirm health for our bodies.

The years may have passed, but our original goals have remained the same: to provide heartfelt service to our customers; to promote the awareness of conscious living; to be a focal place in the community for like-minded people to network and share ideas, resources, and information; and to be a positive and healing energy point in a global network.