Photo Credit: Vadim Sadovski/Shutterstock©️

My Family's Future


Is my and my family’s future going to get any better?


Dear My Family's Future,

We are all stewards of our own destinies. In that, we shoulder both the responsibility and accountability for all our life choices. Every thought, action, inaction, belief, word, deed, excuse, and intention, matters. There is no simple or magic way to adopt these truths yet adopt them you must.

To change your circumstances in life you must first be willing to accept the fact that you and you alone co-create your reality. Once you surrender to this foundational life truth, everything before you come into focus, changes. You’ll immediately see how your thoughts, beliefs, judgments, perceptions, and intentions play a crucial role in every life experience and its result…outcome.

Every action and/or inaction is based upon an underlying thought which in turn is based upon an intention. Whatever thought/energy informs your intention, the resulting outcome mirrors that intention/force.

Believe you poor and you will experience life as such. Believe you are blessed and likewise you will experience life as a blessing. It sounds simple and yet it takes great resolve to retrain your brain to rewrite your story.

Course correcting every thought, action, deed, and intention affords you a higher, more positive, and abundant octave of life. When all these elements are working in concert with one another, positive results are inevitable.

Like attracts like, as everything is energy, resonating, vibrating, mirroring, and attracting itself at varying levels of frequency. Resonate at a frequency that ensures optimism, abundance, gratitude, humility, grace, and appreciation. Reinforce this narrative within your family and the company you keep. Be mindful of the stories, scripts, and truths you tell yourself and the words you use.

From this plateau, you are ever closer to the purity of your divine will, essence, and being. Trust that the more you surrender and align with this way of being, the more abundant you will be in all aspects of your life, not simply monetarily.

Currency is but one form of energy, continually resonating and mirroring your current level of belief and harmony or disharmony with it.

Believe you and your family are worthy of more and so shall it be.
