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Meaningless Relationship
I love my husband of 12 years and I love a friend of 20 years the same, but my friend is really needy. I’m wondering if he’s taking advantage of my kindness. Is it time to let go of the meaningless relationship?
Dear Meaningless Relationship,
There comes a time in every relationship where a proper review and assessment is not only justified but warranted.
Characterizing any relationship as meaningless however, robs you of the inherent value it once had at some point and time in the past.
Times change. People Change. Relationships change. This is a simple fact of life.
As each person grows, evolves, matures, or remains stagnant, natural laws of attrition occur.
This healthy cycle of life plays out throughout our lives.
If you feel this relationship has changed and is no longer offering mutually beneficial, positive life experiences, respectfully convey your position and distance yourself.
One of the greatest mistakes we make is staying well past the expiration date of any relationship.
The desire to “freeze a feeling or moment in time,” is so great, that we over burden the gift of that person, relationship, and what was out of fear that we will never have or feel that way again.
That in turn stifles and pigeonholes everyone’s growth, inviting the inevitable in, disappoint, dissatisfaction, despair.
Honoring the past by freeing the present allows everyone the grace, love, and respect, they so rightly deserve.
We all teach one another lessons.
Some last for a reason, a season, or a lifetime and beyond.
The gift is in recognizing and appreciating which one is which, so you share the highest and best experience each person and relationship has to offer before it goes south.
There’s nothing worse than spoiled milk and nothing more life sustaining than its nutrient rich sustenance.
Be willing to evolve while allowing others the same courtesy.
Ultimately, we are all Beings of Light on a path of learning, discovery, and experience. Honor That!