Lauren Z. Schneider MA, MFT


For over three decades, Laurie Zemelman Schneider, MA, MFT (dba Lauren Z. Schneider) has integrated family systems, hypnotherapy, dreamwork and her pioneering method, Tarotpy® as a highly effective method of spiritual psychotherapy. Dreamwork and Tarotpy access inner wisdom, creative imagination and higher consciousness for guidance, healing and problem solving. Lauren has her practice in Santa Barbara, California. In addition to individual consultations, Lauren facilitates workshops, trainings, and on-going groups for healing practitioners and laypersons. Articles on dreams and Tarotpy are published in the Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams and Eco Therapy: Healing With Nature in Mind.

Her recently published book, Tarotpy: It’s All in the Cards – A Pathway to Inner Wisdom, Divine Guidance and Profound Healing, is a Gold Medal winner from Living Now Book Awards, a Silver Medal winner at the 2022 Nautilus Book Awards, and a finalist in the category of Psychology and Mental Health at the American Book Awards.

Spiritual Psychotherapy | Dreams | Tarotpy | I Ching