Kevin Ryerson


Kevin Ryerson is an acclaimed author, award winning consultant, expert intuitive, futurist and trance channel in the tradition of Edgar Cayce and Jane Roberts. He has been lecturing and teaching in the field or parapsychology and spirituality for over 30 years.

He is the author of the landmark book Spirit Communication: The Soul’s Path. His latest book The Future Healer: Spirit Communication on Healing was co-authored with Ron Henry D.C.  He is featured in Shirley MacLaine’s best sellers, Out on a Limb, Dancing in the Light, It’s All In The Playing and Sage-ing While Age-ing. His research work is featured in the books Flower Essences, Spiritual Nutrition (Dr. Gabriel Cousens) and most recently in Dr. Walter Semkiw’s books Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited, Born Again and Dr. William Kautz’s scientific use of intuition in Opening the Inner Eye.