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Is It Wrong
I am a tangled web of self-doubt, self-destruction, and fear. I have good people in my life, but they see this in me and run away. Is it wrong to pray to God to please take my life.
Dear Is It Wrong,
It’s never wrong for you to pray to God.
You do however do yourself and others a huge disservice by never listening to his reply.
To have a continual one-way pronouncement with God deprives you of the intimate conversation you are desperately meant to have.
You cannot hear his love, wisdom, and encouragement when you drown it out with fear, doubt, and self-destruction.
God hears your prayers, all of them, and simply asks that you quiet yourself long enough to hear him.
When you pray to God you talk. When you meditate with God you listen, you receive.
You have the wisdom and the will to make it to the other side of this torment if only you will see it for what it truly is:
Gifts of Transcendence wrapped in the veil of opposites.
God never seeks to have any of his children suffer.
On the contrary he is kind, loving, and benevolent and only seeks to fulfill our highest and greatest purpose, our oneness with the All That Is.
The root of suffering is attachment: man-made attachment.
It is our refusal and avoidance of what our soul sought to experience in this lifetime that creates suffering.
In your heart, if not also in your mind, these words speak truth unto ye.
They are the universal law of balance, cause and effect, karma.
You need only surrender your will to that of God’s, placing your entire being at his mercy, his redemption.
You need not sacrifice your life to be saved.
God is ready, willing, and able to assist you, might you let him?
Open yourself to the divine energy of spirit and allow miracles both small and large to commence.
It is in the wisdom of seeking God’s counsel that the self is healed.
Seek counsel now as God’s counsel works within you to heal thy self.
Recognize God’s likeness and light within you to allow illumination of your savior, your pathway home.