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Be The Best
As a widow, how can I be the best I can be with the man I am now seeing?
Lexington Lady
Dear Be The Best,
To share the gift of love with another once in a lifetime is a gift. To have that opportunity repeat itself: priceless.
Do not fret about the past, what others may or may not think or approve of, or give way to feelings of betrayal, regret, disloyalty, or doubt, etc.
Each of those thoughts and associated emotions only serve to limit or contract your being, its shared experiences, and the future you are molding, shaping, and creating for yourself.
You deserve happiness, love, and joy just as any other.
You and your deceased husband shared a life together and that is to be honored, cherished, and celebrated. Speak openly with grace and appreciation of your time together, honestly understanding the role it played and continues to play in shaping your very being.
You will always love him, and the right man for you will understand and embrace this without hesitation for he would desire and request the same of you.
There is no competition between men, only honor, love, and respect.
Navigate these unchartered waters by holding him near while giving yourself permission to live again by experiencing the company of someone new. Be open and honest both with yourself and with others who may come calling.
In that, you are always centered and strong, empowered, and evolving. Make no mistake, there are no mistakes in life, only grand opportunities to experience life more fully.
In time, the worries you face as a widow will fade away if you allow it, but the memories of your first love will stay with you for a lifetime and beyond.
Celebrate that, trusting all is exactly as it should be.