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Bad Dreams & Energy
My children have been having horrible, gruesome dreams. Lately they have been happening to my five-year-old the most. The last couple of times that we have prayed for her when this happens, we feel a very bad energy. After the last dream my husband asked for her to be filled with peace and light and he said he heard a voice say, “no, you can’t do that!” and he felt like the light he was asking for was drawn away. We have had interactions like this for a good part of our lives. What can we do to stop this?
Dear Bad Dreams & Energy,
Where there is Light, there is also Darkness. The degree by which either is present is in direct proportion to your overall thoughts, beliefs, and actions in life.
As this has been happening for “a good part of our lives,” I sense there is a strong need for you to radically shift, not only your internal thoughts, but also your daily actions.
Fear begets more fear. Negative thoughts beget more negative thoughts. The act of praying alone, does not in and of itself, release undesirable / negative energies that are permeating your minds, bodies, souls, and spirits. You must radically realign your being with positivity and light.
As this is a chronic issue, which appears to be manifesting itself in your children’s sleep as nightmares, it is time to reflect on the source of this negativity and then do all within your power to eradicate it from your collective lives.
At every point of every day, be highly conscious of your thoughts. If they are based in any form of negativity, immediately change them to something positive. Invoke a fond smell or image. Play a feel-good song. Move to the outdoors and interact with nature where ample forms of beauty abound.
All will instantly assist you in shifting your energy into one of positivity.
Also, become aware of your choice of dress, environment, etc. by choosing lighter, feel-good colors and clothing. The same goes for your home décor and surroundings.
Surround yourselves with things of light and beauty like fragrant white candles scented with Orange Blossom, Gardenia, Grapefruit, and other such scents. Living plants that permeate fragrant aromas and living flowers like white gardenia blooms in your home will assist in the transformation of energies. Rose water and/or essential pure rose oil is also highly beneficial.
Visualize peace, light, and harmony within yourself and that of your children, family, and surroundings.
Live, breathe, think, and act in accordance with positivity and light. Should you hear a negative voice, overcome it by immediately shifting your consciousness towards the light. Light your scented candles, smudge with white sage, and state aloud only positive energies are welcome to stay or visit here.
Light will always trump darkness as darkness cannot exist in the light.