Astrology by Lauren


Beginning her study in a bookshop on Lexington Avenue in New York City with Zoltan Mason in 1971, Lauren has been an addict of astrology ever since. Since 1993, Lauren divided her time between part-time work and her practice of astrology. Then, riding the wave of the Cardinal Cross, she made the transition to a full-time practice. Certified by NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Lauren currently lives and practices in New York City.

Lauren’s perspective is that the universe is cyclic, as opposed to the common Western linear point of view with finite beginnings and endings.  And that this is one of the missing links upon which an understanding of the workings of astrology is based.  However, to fully understand this concept, you also need to consider another fundamental idea, and that is that there is an underlying interdependence that weaves together the threads of the cosmos, life, breath, energy, and the very tapestries of our lives.  And it is because of these two fundamental premises: the universality of cycles and interdependence; that from the macrocosm to the microcosm, analogies and correspondences can be made. Visit Lauren’s website for astrological Weekly Updates, Horoscopes, and to book a private reading.