Photo Credit: DeReGe/Shutterstock©️
I am a 53-year-old woman and feel I’m at a crossroad with my career. I applied for what I thought was my dream job; knowing I was highly qualified but was not selected. As you may well know this hurt me deeply. So, my question to you is, will I find/get that job which will provide me the stimulation, happiness, and growth I so desire? Or will I be where I’m at until retirement?
Dear Discouraged,
Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death, or so goes the infamous line from the iconic 1958 film “Auntie Mame,” played by Rosalind Russell. And the point or correlation to you and your circumstance is that life really is a banquet, and you should see it as such.
Just because you weren’t selected for this purported dream job, doesn’t mean that there isn’t something greater in store for you, that you were being protected, not rejected, or that you are meant to “waste away” at your current position until retirement.
The reason you weren’t selected had nothing to do with your level of ability, schooling, or skillset, it had to do with the fact that you were not being honest and authentic with yourself in why you were pursuing the position in the first place.
No job, career, position etc., is ever going to save you or miraculously bring you the much needed / desired happiness, inspiration, stimulation, growth, and self-worth / self-value you seek. That is an internal position that can only be filled and achieved by you.
By looking externally to fulfill that which needs to be addressed internally, you deny yourself and others the beauty of your brilliance. You have much to offer the world, however, you have hidden away or traded away your real interests and talents in life for ones you felt were more acceptable, attainable.
The reason you are at a crossroads now is because it’s show time so-to-speak and your soul is telling you it’s time to lift the veil and come out of hiding. It’s time for the real you to step forward and no “dream job” is going to get in the way of that growth, progress, and evolution. The Universe just won’t have it.
So, sharpen your pens and pencils, dust off your chalks, pastels, and watercolors, and supply yourself with ample sheets of paper, for you are going on a journey of remembrance and self-discovery and by so doing, will release much that no longer serves you.
You are meant to re-discover that which brings you unadulterated joy, peace, and happiness. You are meant to EXPRESS YOURSELF in a way and manner that feeds not only your soul, but also the table of your entire household.
There is nothing more contagious in life than a happy, joyful, prosperous soul and yours is about to not only discover and experience that truism but also share it with everyone you encounter.
Do not contract; expand. Express yourself with the written page and the blank canvas. Trust that you will most certainly be led, guided, and inspired to reach your truest and greatest potential.
Your true gift is in the arts, writing, photography, etc. Have the courage to pursue and express your innate talents, as the banquet of life is available to anyone who chooses it, at any time in life.